What Makes Abstract Art, Abstract?

Abstract art is a fascinating and often misunderstood genre of the arts. It steps away from the traditional representation of physical objects and instead explores the intricate relationships of forms and colours. This departure from reality is what primarily characterises abstract art. And more importantly, abstract art is not confined to set rules or aesthetics.

The Break from Reality

Unlike representational art, which aims to depict a realistic portrayal of the world, abstract art doesn't seek to represent visual reality. Instead, it uses shapes, colours, forms, and gestural marks to achieve an effect. It's about expressing what can't be seen - emotions, sound, or the spiritual realm.

The Language of Shapes and Colours

Abstract art uses elements of shapes, colours, textures, and lines to create a composition independent of visual references. For example, a square doesn't have to represent a specific object in the real world; it can be used to express feelings or concepts. The same goes for colours. In abstract art, like poetry, red isn't just a colour; it can symbolise passion, anger, or love.

“Just as pure abstract art is not dogmatic, neither is it decorative.”
Piet Mondrian, artist

The Freedom of Interpretation

One of the most captivating aspects of abstract art is the freedom it offers its viewers. Each viewer can interpret it uniquely since it doesn't depict a specific object or scene. This subjective interpretation is what makes abstract art so personal and impactful. It's not about what the artist sees but what you see, feel and experience.

The Emotional Impact

Abstract art can evoke emotions and thoughts that traditional art may not. It's not bound by the confines of reality; this freedom allows it to explore the depths of human emotion and thought uniquely to each viewer. This emotional impact often draws collectors and art lovers to abstract art.

In conclusion, abstract art is abstract because it breaks away from the traditional representation of physical objects, uses a unique language of shapes and colours, offers freedom of interpretation, and can evoke deep emotional responses. It's a genre that invites viewers to look beyond the surface and explore the depths of their understanding and emotional response.

At SIBU Gallery, we appreciate the beauty and complexity of abstract art. We offer art consultation services to help you understand and appreciate the abstract pieces in our collection. Whether you're an established interior designer or a passionate collector, we're here to help you navigate the world of abstract art.

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